Henry Minztberg developed this model and I particularly like it because it asks you to investigate all perspectives in thinking through your strategic options. I find the model can be used at any level of the organisation from Corporate to individual. There are 6 perspectives and the Seeing it Through aspect.
Seeing behind – what is the history and legacy? What learning do we have from our past? What are the things we need to keep in our future (and what to dump)?
Seeing ahead – if we keep doing what we’re doing now, what does the future look like?
Seeing above – the helicopter view or the big picture. Where do we fit in? How do we relate to those around us? What is our position in the big picture?
Seeing below – the detail of how we operate. What are our strategic assets and capabilities? What are the (hidden) gems that make us what we are and give us strategic advantage?
These four perspectives give you the current situation and going forward, the next two ask for creative thinking about how to improve what you do.
Seeing beside – what is going on in other organisations, which we could copy and adapt for our business in order to improve? Eg supermarkets copied airline distribution patterns.
Seeing beyond – what are the new possibilities for our business/organisation? This is the space for ‘blue sky’ thinking.
The analysis and learning from these perspectives will inform your business strategy, then you need to develop the Business Plan, which is Mintzberg’s Seeing it through.
There are many popular tools and techniques which can be used under each of these perspectives, for detailed and structured analysis and for creative thinking. More on those another time, though if you would like this information please contact me.